Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Science Inquiry Topic ' Space and Planet'

Just look at these photos of Room 17's outstanding Diorama, Triorama and Posters!

Visit My Photos - 26 Pics

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Poetry Recital

Last Thursday we had our annual Poetry Recital to choose a two finalist from our class. I must say the competition was extremely high standard and it made the judging job extra harder! Having said this, well done, everyone! Here are some of the photos.

Just a minute speaker

BL shared her news about how they found an injured bird in their home and talked about what they did for the bird. BL told us that one of the bird's wing was damaged some how and they took the bird to a bird sanctuary in Whitford. Hopefully, the bird will make a full recovery and come and visit her home to thank one day!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Update on room 17's activities

We had a successful visit to the Stardome. A big thank you to all the parents helpers, we couldn't have this trip without your help.
We enjoyed the new graphic images of " How the Earth is right for us" on this visit, and we learnt heaps!
We also had the NZ play company visited us and watched "Big Sad Wolf"
And we also had our Senior Athletics day!
We are still having finals on another day, but we all had a great day on last Wednesday.
The junior Athletics day will be on this Wednesday! We hope you will come and support us !
The next week we will have our Poetry recitals on Thursday in the class to choose the finals.
Many things are happening and yes, Mrs Giovanni has been dealt with appendicitis but she is all good!

There are some of those events photos.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Term Topic

Our new term topic for the Inquiry is 'Earth, Moon and the Sun'. We will be visiting STARDOME in week 3 on 30th of October in the afternoon.
Looking forward to continuing our learning community!
Have a restful holiday everyone!

Mrs Giovanni

What a success in our Wearable Art Show!!

On 17th of September the Middle school's Wearable Art Show was held at the school hall. It was great to see many familiar faces to support from the community for this event. Here are some of the photos which were taken in the class earlier.And some of them are actual show on the following day.

Just A Minute Speakers

TA shared her collective bears which she has started to collect since she was
six years old. She now has 28 of them. She is a very lucky person! FL talked about her father's company and his company secret! her father works for Coca Cola and the secret ingredients of the drink is...sugar! of course we knew, carbonated liquid and...cola liquid! What's in the liquid is only known to some intelligent people in the company! Perhaps next time we can go and visit the factory?